Who's it gonna be?
Who will be the first to travel ALL the way to Culloden to stay in the new and improved guest bedroom? I know it is a long haul but someone has to be first! And yes, it will be decorated by the time someone stays here.
This blog will be mainly about my children, family and friends.
Who will be the first to travel ALL the way to Culloden to stay in the new and improved guest bedroom? I know it is a long haul but someone has to be first! And yes, it will be decorated by the time someone stays here.
Alright, Cara brought this subject up on her blog so I thought I would go into more detail. Cara and I used to share an office while working at ASC. Our old boss, Marc, wasn't crazy about this idea but after a lot of whining and promises, we got our way. And yes, we were his favorites! On my last day at good ol' ASC, Cara came up with a list of sorts that she read at my party. They still crack me up and will show others how much fun we really had together!
Green and White game...Go HERD!
Matthew is the guy in the middle...like the back of his head? (I did get some good pics of him on the field) It is probably a good thing that I didn't see Matthew walk within inches of me...I'd probably been arrested!
While we are on the subject, I didn't even get good pictures of Chad and Randy as they walked by either. I did get a picture of Randy's posse, just not him! Like Matthew, I did get good pics of Randy and Chad while they were on the field.
Coach Matthew!
1996 Championship team!
A football game was played but the other stuff was much more exciting! I'm looking forward to our first game against WVU. Hopefully it will be a good game!
Here are a few pics of Reagan. She is now obsessed with gardening. The Easter bunny brought her some Strawberry shortcake gardening tools so he is digging and watering everything!
The other morning Reagan actually got dressed without a big fuss and was in her room watching cartoons. I, of course, was running late. As I walked by her bedroom this is what I saw, which freaked me out for a second. I first thought...Oh dear Lord, she is multiplying!
Easter weekend in Virginia
Chrystal, seated; Clay standing next to Chrystal, Jesse the dog, Reagan, Sean and Renee.
Prior to playing volleyball on Saturday we attended a breakfast buffet and Easter egg hunt at the Officers Club. Breakfast was a typical buffet, nothing special. The Easter egg hunt was held on the lawn in front of the club. It was a nice idea, just not well planned. Drew thinks he is too old to participate so he was bored. Reagan suddenly became bashful so she attached herself to my leg. The people responsible for the egg hunt thought it would be a good idea to have all the kids hunt eggs all at once. This scarred my daughter. All the older kids grabbed all the Easter eggs before she could get one. A nice man who saw my daughter screaming crying was generous enough to take an egg from his daughter's basket and give it to Reagan. That just wasn't good enough for Reagan. She had been to an Easter egg hunt at her daycare so she thought the only way to get candy was to get the eggs. She didn't understand that you traded in the eggs for candy and no matter how many eggs, if any, you still got candy.
This was the line they had to stand it to get some freakin' candy!
This next picture is probably my favorite just because it is so funny. Drew cannot stand to have his picture taken with his sister. Can you tell? We were across the street from Clay's house at the playground.
So now I have two rooms to clean!
On another note. Cara and I had lunch today at the Chinese restaurant on 6th Ave. We often read a blog by our friend and former boss, Marc. For some reason he wrote about his fortunes he got at this restaurant. He really seemed disturbed...does he not know that these fortunes are crap? Anyway, Cara and I were joking about it so I decided to post ours.
This is Cara's. "When you are comfortable, you can do anything" What the hell does that mean? What could you possibly read into that? The only way this fortune could be interesting is if you add the famous "in bed" to the end of it.
My fortune was "You have a heart of gold". Yeah, I already knew that. Tell me something I don't know! haha