I've tried to update my blog on several occasions but the pictures just would load. Today, the blog Gods were with me! YEAH!
We went to Myrtle Beach this year and had a great time. I think I could live there! We stayed at a customer's house in a residential neighborhood so we could still do the tourist thing but didn't have to deal with the tourists! The best thing about the house, other than being very nice, was it was FREE! Gotta love it.
This picture of Reagan is probably my favorite from the beach. I bought the kids ice cream and could barely get it back to the beach before it melted. Reagan didn't find it amusing that I took this picture.

For all you crack heads...this picture is for you. The kids had a great time in the pool, especially with dad throwing them.
Reagan taking a break from the pool for a sandwich.
Drew's friend he invited to go to the beach with us backed out on Wednesday night...we left on Friday. The little turd didn't give us anytime to find someone else to go but luckily Drew found a friend to hang with. He was from Seattle. He's the extremely white kid in the back.
Reagan and Drew would have been happy to stay at the beach 24/7. They had a lot of fun and there was actually no whining while at the beach.
Reagan also liked the hot tub that was in the back yard of the house we stayed at. She couldn't get enough swimming!
Drew was pooped. Funny how kids don't care if they have sand all over them.
This is home girl Reagan. The braid was supposed to be out the whole in her hat but when she turned ghetto it moved to the side.
This is one of only two pictures I'm in from the beach and both are selfportraits. Do you think it would have killed someone to take the camera and take a picture of ME?! Obviously, yes, it would have.
This is a pic of some chick on the beach. Damon or Clay took it so I retaliated...see Joe below!
Joe is on the right in red trunks. I think I have at LEAST 6 pics of this guy. Oh, to be 18 again!