As requested by Cara...
Drew is notorious for writing the funniest things! Last year Drew wrote a letter to me telling me I had potential for the girl race/white race. This year was just as funny.
M-oney lover
O-ffering love
H-elping me in baseball
E-ngulfed in love
R-ank:Dictator - in a good way
He made me a mothers day card with a poem in it.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You love softball
And you should play again
Not much of a rhymer but a lot of entertainment! He is so sweet!
I guess it's better to be engulfed in love than almost anything else.
You are a dictator, by the way.
Also, the "Roses are red" thing was funny. Here's another:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm a Schizophrenic,
and so am I.
Well....I think it's funny....
75...I am a dictator...but in a good way, so that is ok! : )
I love to read what Drew writes. Last year he brought his journal home from school. I think I called everyone to read it to them. I'll have to post it here at the end of the school year! Always good for a laugh!
Where's Reagan?
I'll update tonight!
Good, I can't wait to hear about Reagan's mishap yesterday!
OK, when you said tonight, did you mean tonight or last night? I have been waiting all evening by my computer for an update. I guess I will have to go to sleep now, but please update soon!
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