
This blog will be mainly about my children, family and friends.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Oops, she did it again!

Well, actually, it wasn't an oops. She did it on purpose. This is the second time she has cut her hair. This time she did it so everyone could see. She still hasn't done it as bad as I did when I was her age but I'm not giving her any ideas.

Reagan cut her hair at the babysitters. She and her friend both did it. Her friend was smart enough to just cut a small piece from the side of her head, but not Reagan. The duo also cut the mane off of a pony owned by the babysitters daughter.


At 8:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord, she looks just like you....what's that poor girl going to do for the rest of her life!!!

At 7:48 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

She acts just like me too. And in that case, she will brown nose her way to top! haha Yeah, I'm at the top! Now that's funny!

At 1:01 PM , Blogger Jana said...

You need to learn how to control your children...this is so sad!

At 8:33 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

Um, hello. Have you met Reagan!


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